快吧单机 攻略列表 《死光》玩家成就攻略


作者: 佚名 2013-07-10 11:28 互联网
Come Sail AwayMake it to the end 完成游戏5 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 Tainted loveFinish Randall’s flashback 剧情获得25 Unlocked on 8/2/2012Holding out for a HeroReunite with Stella 剧情获得

Follow the Ratman to his den 剧情获得

5 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Flirtin with Disaster

Tackle an enemy 推到一个敌人 需要一段助跑 按住RB冲向一个僵尸将其扑倒即可 然后会被反扑

10 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Is there anybody there?

Finish Randall’s dream 剧情获得

15 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Rust in peace

Perform a headshot 完成一次爆头 (爆头感超爽)

15 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

In the Army Now

Get to the military control 剧情获得

5 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Welcome to the Jungle

Reach the junkyard 剧情获得

5 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Lay your hands on me

Survive a close encounter 被僵尸抓住后一直按B

10 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Go back to hell

Execute an enemy 终结掉一个僵尸 切胳膊砍头都可以

10 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Another one bites the dust

Perform a combo on an enemy 对僵尸完成一次连击 毫无难度

10 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Tackle a door 冲破一扇门

10 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

I Ran (So Far Away)

Escape from the warehouse 剧情获得

What’s on your mind

Find a page of Randall’s journal 取得一页Randall的日记

25 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

I want it all

Get 100% of Deadlight 游戏完成度100%

Goodbye stranger 

Push a zombie over a railing 把一只僵尸推出窗户 第一章出门时暴风雨那一关有个机会 要快速钻入二楼窗户然后前+B将僵尸推出去即可

Spreading the disease

Get infected by a friend on the leaderboards 在排行榜上被好友感染 好友中有玩过本游戏的 查看排行榜即可 

Forget Me Nots

Find all of Randall’s memories 找到所有Randall的回忆录

Pickin’ Up Strangers

Find all the IDs 取得所有ID卡 经常出现在僵尸啃的尸体上

以下三个为3个大章节内找到隐藏的小游戏机 然后达到高分 超过30分就行

Invisible Touch

Beat the high score in Madness Mansion 捉鬼游戏

20 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

Let there be rock!

20 Unlocked on 8/2/2012 

No Pain, No Gain

Beat the high score in Sport Daisy 体育游戏
