
《暗黑破坏神3》新职业巫医简介 视频翻译与新特性观后感

佚名 2013-01-24 官方网站
暗黑3新特性 1,环境互动。不再是开个墓穴,砸个箱子之类的,暴雪官方介绍称使用了haork物理引擎。墙壁,石块,石柱等等都是可以破坏或者投掷的。 2,加强随机事件。相信大家对于暗黑3的印象很大部分在于随机地图。但是暗黑3将会加入随机脚本,也就是说,支线任务不再是固定的,按照demo介绍,随机的任务类型非常多,而且连任务结果也是按照你的完成方式随机生成的。 我相信暗黑3不会照搬国产 棒子 ...

12:20 - jay wilson, lead designer on diablo 3 coming out. he’s going to demo the game.
暗黑3主设计师jay wilson登场,他将演示游戏。

12:20 -- it’s apparently still an action rpg. same interface -- red health and blue orbs. skill bar at bottom. 3/4 overhead perspective. character with 2 axes hacking at demons in what appears to be a foggy cathedral. has a jumping attack where he sashes the two axes into the ground.

12:21 -- the axe guy is the barbarian class. says improvements hve been made, like the hotbar for skills. using the mouse wheel and tab key you can quickly switch between skills. whoing inventory. appears to still hae slot limits. using enchanted axes with frost and lighting ,which stuns and freezes opponents.

12:24 -- red orbs that drop from enemies can replenish health without you hving to use items. talking about demon foes he’s fighting, they hve a summon ability. barbarian’s jumping attack covers quite a distance. goes flying up staincase. also appear to hve a shockwve type of attack. still procure items from bookcases. blizzard touting interactive environment as an inportant feature. barbarian triggers a trap chest that spawns four spectral enemies around him.

12:25 -- each piece of gear is custom designed for each class. barbarian puts on demonic sort of garb with giant devil horns. barbarian can hop across gaps on the map. barbarian dislodged a rock wall and dropped it on zombies, killing them. demoing moving whirlwind attack.

12:27 -- deckard cain is in the game. when talking to npcs, the game appears to switch to an interface that highlights the character model. hae to rescue cain from this cathedral.

12:29 -- barbarian can use ground stomp attack to get skeleton warriors to drop their shields, making them easy to take out. cultist enemies must be taken out quickly or they transform into a more destructive force. saying there’s more story and questing type of stuff in the game. scripted events like walls breaking apart. cultists cummoning in gigantic, fat demon who’s shock wves shatter stone pillars in the environment.

12:31 -- diablo 3 is first and foremost a co-operative game, says blizzard. new witch doctor class can summon pets, cotrol minds of his enemies, and cast diseases.

12:33 -- witch doctor can cast out locus swarm, which spreads between targets and deals damage. can summon mongrel things that he can cast locust swarm on, which buffs their damage. outdoor environment now. quite pretty in that vibrant, slightly cartoonish blizzard graphical style. like with starcraft 2 and it’s similarities to the original, diablo 3 looks and sounds, at least at a glance, quite similar to previous games. witch doctor also has a mass fear type of ability.


12:35 -- witch doctor using a fire bomb spell. can summon a wall of zombies that stays stationary, but the zombies in the wall flail their arms and do damage to their oponents.

12:36 -- multiplayer will work over heads into a final fight against some gigantic moving trees. final boss here, called siegebreaker assault beast, is absolutely gigantic, maybe around six or seven times taller than the player characters.

12:37 -- demo ends. the crowd roars. annnd, the hosts are back on.


