快吧单机 攻略列表 《教父2》双技能小弟+隐藏武器具体位置+肉搏术指南


作者: 佚名 2013-01-19 10:56 官方网站
作者:我爱牛蛙 双技能小弟位置 在以下标注的位置可以找到对应的小弟。注意:有些小弟只在主线进行到一定进度后才出现。 alvin uzzano:在纽约城的richie’s tavern东北部。此人是撬锁/医生双技能,持枪牌照是高级(advanced) bernard uzzano:在佛罗里达,goldenrest cemetery那里的almeida capo jaime fesser据点(?)的北边,有个大地窖,此人就 在里头,要不就在附近游荡,是打手/医生双技能,持枪牌照是高级(advance ...




alvin uzzano:在纽约城的richie’s tavern东北部。此人是撬锁/医生双技能,持枪牌照是高级(advanced)

bernard uzzano:在佛罗里达,goldenrest cemetery那里的almeida capo jaime fesser据点(?)的北边,有个大地窖,此人就


jimmy lira:不知道(此人需花钱上网下载,360)。是纵火/医生/撬锁/工程师四技能小弟(让他做老大算了)

leroy petriboni:佛罗里达的las palmas,"jersey’s sports bar"那里,小岛最南部的赌场。该建筑东边有个小门,你可以发现该男在里头溜达,在门口也可能发现他。是撬锁/工程师双技能,持枪牌照是专家(expert)

ray fogliano:在佛罗里达,corman’s drive-in对面的楼顶,靠近一个叫joey katz的受贿警察。是纵火/爆破双技能。

ray ricci:在古巴,casino imperial和capitol中间的广场上能找到他。此人是爆破/工程师双技能,持枪牌照为专家(expert)

roy mancini:在古巴,corazon de oro里的机场,靠近第二架飞机,battaglia cement工厂后边能找到他。打手/工程师双技能,专家级持枪牌照(expert)

tommy cipolla:纽约的本家大本营(只有在你预定该游戏正版的情况下能得到该男),纵火/医生双技能。






level 1:tommy gun:原配

level 2:mp38:佛罗里达的granados compound。二楼好好找找。

level 3:modified ak-47(改良型ak):古巴的battaglia masonry。当你进入一房间,转左会发现一通向地下的梯子,下去,顺着隧道往里找。


level 1:.357 magnum: 原配

level 2:.44 magnum force:纽约,进攻carmine rosato家族的时候,与carmine对峙前上楼进一小前厅(休息室?),该枪在一桌上晃,很好找。

level 3:.501 magnum enforcer:古巴的battaglia quarry chop shop,有一处灯塔,去找吧。


level 1:pistol:原配

level 2:silenced pistol(消音手枪):佛罗里达的ryan roth任务,在任务中他让你去救他小弟的时候可以找到。

level 3:delta m1911 silenced(delta m1911消音):佛罗里达的mangano大本营,二楼自己找吧。


level 1:sniper rifle(狙):原配

level 2:spitzer centerfire:佛罗里达的emilio’s packing company的屋顶,需要一名工程师破坏围栏才能拿到。

level 3:vintovka sr-98:古巴的almeida大本营,二楼一桌子上。


level 1:shotgun:原配。

level 2:sawed-off:就在纽约本家大本营,出大门直走一点转左,让一个能纵火的小弟烧了围栏,拿吧。

level 3:schofield semi-auto:佛罗里达的global storage chop shop,在岛的右面,一个小仓库里头。









character locations

search the indicated location to find the corresponding character. note: some characters will not appear until after a certain point in storyline progression.

alvin uzzano: northeast of richie’s tavern, new york. he is a safecracker/medic with an advanced gun license.

bernard uzzano: inside or near the large crypt closest to the north of the hangout of almeida capo jaime fesser at goldenrest cemetery, florida. he is a bruiser/medic with an advanced gun license.

jimmy lira: unknown (requires bonus downloadable content). he is an arsonist/medic/safecracker/engineer.

leroy petriboni: las palmas, florida. at the "jersey’s sports bar", gambling crime ring on the southernmost island. approach the building from the east to find a door to a small room. he can be found wandering inside and just outside of

that room. he is a safecracker/engineer with expert gun license.

ray fogliano: on top of building across from corman’s drive-in, florida. he is on the rooftop nearest to the corrupt official joey katz. he is an arsonist/demolitions.

ray ricci: in the square between casino imperial and capitol in cuba. he is a demolitions/engineer with an expert gun license.

roy mancini: at the airport in corazon de oro, cuba, next to the second plane, behind the battaglia cement factory. he is a bruiser/engineer with a expert gun license.

tommy cipolla: corleone compound, new york (pre-order code required). he is an arsonist/medic.

weapon locations

search the indicated location to find the corresponding weapon:


level 1 - tommy gun: already available.

level 2 - mp38: granados compound, florida. search the second floor.

level 3 - modified ak-47: battaglia masonry, cuba. when you enter a certain room, turn left to find a ladder leading underground. follow the tunnel.


level 1 - .357 magnum: already available.

level 2 - .44 magnum force: when attacking carmine rosato’s compound in new york, go upstairs in the tiny foyer before approaching carmine. the magnum is clearly visible on a desk.

level 3 - .501 magnum enforcer: battaglia quarry chop shop, cuba. look at the map to find the lighthouse, and go there.




level 1 - pistol: already available.

level 2 - silenced pistol: ryan roth mission, florida. found during the mission where he sends you to rescue one of his soldiers.

level 3 - delta m1911 silenced : mangano’s compound, florida. search the second floor.


level 1 - sniper rifle: already available.

level 2 - spitzer centerfire: emilio’s packing company, florida. it is located on the rooftop; an engineer is required to cut the fence.

level 3 - vintovka sr-98: almeida compound, cuba. on the second floor on a desk.


level 1 - shotgun: already available.

level 2 - sawed-off: corleone’s compound, new york. as soon as you leave the compound through the main gate, go straight forward, and turn left. there is a hedge that can be burned with an arsonist. the shotgun is behind there.

level 3 - schofield semi-auto: global storage chop shop, florida. on the right side of the island, inside the small warehouse.

attack combos

arm break : press rb(3), lb.

kick to shin: press rb(2), lb.

knee to groin: press lb(2), rb.

neck punch: press lb(3), rb.

