快吧单机 攻略列表 《X战警传奇2:天启降临》答案秘籍


作者: 佚名 2013-05-04 20:28 互联网
====================== Act1Questions ====================== 第一幕答对每个问题会有50经验值得奖励 Q.Sabretooth’sarchenemyis:A.Wolverine Q.Inthev ...


Act 1 Questions



Q. Sabretooth’s archenemy is:
A. Wolverine

Q. In the video game X-Men: Legends, Iceman had a crush on
A. Alison Crestmere

Q. Juggernaut first appeared in X-Men number:
A. 12

Q. As a young man, Gambit wed an assassin named:
A. Bella Donna Boudreaux

Q. What is Victor Creed’s mutant code name?
A. Sabretooth

Q. Forge has been romantically linked to:
A. Storm

Q. While growing up in an orphanage, Cyclops was bullied by a boy
named Nathan, who was really:
A. Mister Sinister

Q. Which is true of Colossus in his armored form?
A. Even his eyeballs become steel-like

Q. Beast was born a mutant because:
A. His father was exposed to a massive amount of radiation

Q. What is Apocalypse’s real name?
A. En Sabah Nur

Q. Before joining the X-Men, Angel was a crime fighter who worked under
the name:
