原文出自我们非常熟悉的magtro大神 ~福尔摩斯对开膛手杰克可以说是很不错的作品,如果因为语言上的障碍而错过了这个游戏,那是非常可惜的。所以我就想到了来翻译这个攻略,希望对想玩这个游戏,但苦于没有攻略的朋友们有所帮助。翻译中难免有些错误,希望大家能够向我指正,我也会在游戏的过程中修改。最后谢谢大家的支持~
whitechapel, london. 31st of august, 1888 3:20 am: 一个妓女在交易的时候被杀。
buck’s row e.
september 1, 1888
baker st.: 华生在读报纸上关于buck’s row妓女凶杀案的报道。 华生引起了福尔摩斯对于事件的关注。他们要去警察局从警官和法医那儿得到初步的报告。
阅读资料里的september 1st edition of the star,得知被害者polly nichols死得很惨;内脏被挖了出来,喉咙被切开。阅读之2次凶杀案的资料;一起发生在osborne st,还有一起的被害者叫martha turner。
map of london: 福尔摩斯需要伦敦地图,地图在门左手边的桌子上。
whitechapel 4:30 pm:
police station: 和humphries警官对话。他要你帮个忙,他在破公寓附近掉了一个皮包,希望你帮他找回来。
finley’s boarding house: 沿着commercial st直走,第三人称视角向右转或者第一人称视角向左转。往前走,在第一条巷子左转,然后再左转就到了。和门口扫地的finley对话,得知皮包在当地的小孩手里。abberline警官在负责这个案子。finley要福尔摩斯说服警察局对付captain,一个每天晚上到公寓闹事的无赖。
一个新文件显示了报纸上关于polly nichols凶杀案的报道,这个报道是finley早些时候在east london advertiser上面看到的。
police station: 使用地图或者直接走到警察局。和humphries警官对话,得知captain和他的侄女住在公寓这条路的后面。
lucy: 沿着commercial st.走,穿过公寓这条路,看见左手边的房子顶楼有个妇女在往窗子外面张望。和lucy谈谈他的舅舅,the captain。
wiggins: wiggins站在batty st.的街角,他是福尔摩斯秘密警局的成员。从lucy房子出发,穿过马路和站在右边街角的男孩对话。wiggins告诉你captain在这条街的尽头。
captain: 走到batty st.的尽头,发现地上躺着个男人。观察一下captain。华生诊断说他最多只能活一个月。华生让福尔摩斯弄点药来减轻captain的病情。
clinic: clinic在地图上是自动显示的,用地图可以直接到达。和dr. gibbons对话,得到medicine。
whitechapel church: 离开clinic穿过马路,往右走进入教堂。点击门,看到其中一座塔楼上有教堂的钟。福尔摩斯觉得这钟不对劲。在附近看看。
captain: 用地图直接到达batty st 的尽头,把药给华生。
finley’s boarding house: 前往公寓。和finley对话得到police bag。
police station: 把police bag给humphries。锁被人改过了。
a black bonnet near the left hand |
the victim was holding her bonnet in her hand. |
the victim wasn’t afraid. |
p. nichols had her bonnet in her hand and ready to exercise. |
poorly lit street |
prostitutes exercise |
no traces of blood on walls |
the victim didn’t have her throat slit while standing. |
p. nichols was dead before being stretched and having her throat slit. |
victim had her throat slit |
a little pool of blood |
the blood didn’t flow in strong spurts. |
dirty and damp ground |
he could not have relations on the ground. |
the corpse was still warm. |
victim wasn’t dragged. |
polly’s murder took place on the premises. |
no footsteps on the ground. |
murderer cut open polly’s throat. |
the tongue is bloated. |
p. nichols was strangled. |
the throat was slit from left to right. |
is murderer right handed or left handed? |
p. nichol’s killer is a strong man. |
the murderer must have been sitting on victim. |
the victim has a bruise on the right. |
the bruise was caused by hard pressure with fingers. |
the murder was standing in front of the victim to strangle her. |
the killer’s left hand prevented the victim from screaming |
the killer strangled the victim with right hand. |
september 2, 1888 baker’s st. 8:02 am
yes |
复仇 |
憎恨会导致无法挽回的行为。 |
no |
爱情 |
被害人是妓女,没有家庭,也没有其他的联系。 |
no |
偷窃 |
被害人很贫穷。 |
yes |
疯子 |
被害人遭到了可怕的肢解。 |
yes |
魔术 |
即使福尔摩斯并不了解这个领域,这个动机还是有可能的。 |
hanbury st. e.
neither footsteps nor blood on the ground. |
the victim wasn’t dragged. |
chapman’s murder took place on the premises. |
blood on fence. |
victim had throat slit while lying down and still alive. |
blood spurted on wall near stairs. |
murderer slit the victim’s throat with his right hand. |
chapman was partially strangled and then her throat slit. |
victim has bruises under the right jawbone and beneath left cheek. |
murderer held the victim’s chin with his left hand. |
chapman’s killer must be right handed. |
the tongue is bloated. |
the victim was strangled. |
an envelope is near the victim’s head. |
an envelope was brought out by the victim. |
chapman was holding an envelope in her hand. |
the items at the victim’s feet are very orderly. |
these items belong to the victim. |
the murderer searched chapman. |
chapman’s murderer is unfeeling and organized. |
the body is cold at the extremities and rigor mortis has barely started. |
the crime was committed barely two hours ago. |
the murder of chapman was committed before 4:30 am. |
recent large scrape on the middle finger. |
the victim wore one or more rings. |
the murderer stole chapman’s rings. |
there is an incision from right to left going around the neck. |
murderer used a very sharp blade. |
chapman’s killer wanted to decapitate her. |
there is an incision on the neck from right stopping in the middle of throat. |
hapman’s killer used a weapon of great size. |
the wound around neck is jerky and not at all one piece. |
hapman’s uterus was removed and taken. |
organs are missing. |
chapman’s killer has knowledge of anatomy. |
上一篇: 《中途岛之战:太平洋》岛屿占领模式详解
下一篇: 《使命召唤5》PC秘籍
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