快吧单机 攻略列表 《奖章:名人的秘密》第二章攻略


作者: 佚名 2013-05-16 15:36 互联网
Chapter2 Post9 Moveyourmouseovertheareainthebottomrightcornertoseewhatspecialelementsyoushouldbelookingforinthischapter. GabyandCarrieD’awaya ...

Chapter 2

Post 9

Move your mouse over the area in the bottom right corner to see what special elements you should be looking for in this chapter.

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 12 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Swapping Puzzle

Click on pieces to swap so that the pass you have matches that the pass is suppose to look like.

There is image for the solution in the bottom left corner in the screen.

Refer to the screenshot for the final image.


Post 10

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are three clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 13 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

After finding all informants, you will need to find sign circled in green in the upper side of the screen.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Finding Differences

Find 7 differences between the two pictures.

Refer to the image for the locations of all the differences.


Post 11

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are three clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 14 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Rearrange Cards

Click on cards and drag to the correct position to finish the puzzle.

The card background will turn white when they are in the correct position.

Once you find the starting position, it should be easy to figure out the position of the other cards.

Refer to the image for the solution.


Post 12

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are three clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 15 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Rearrange Cards

Click on cards and drag to the correct position to finish the puzzle.

The card background will turn white when they are in the correct position.

This time the cards are in three rows, the top being exercise poses, the middle fruit and the bottom medicine.

Once you find the starting position, it should be easy to figure out the position of the other cards.

Refer to the image for the solution.


Post 13

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are three clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 15 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Password Puzzle

Punch in any three numbers and hit “submit.” The lock will display how many numbers are in the correct position.

The correct password may be different when you play the game.

Refer to the image for the solution.


Post 14

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are three clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 16 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Finding Pairs

Uncover the dishes to match cards and with the objects they describe.

The location of objects and cards may be different when you play the game.

Refer to the image for the solution.


Post 15

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are three clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 17 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie D’away and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Fixing the Picture

Click on pieces of the picture to swap to correct spots.

The location of pieces may be different when you play the game.

Refer to the screenshot for the final image.

Post 16

Gaby and Carrie D’away are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are three clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 18 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie D’away and clocks are same every time.

After finding all 18 informants, you will need to find 6 security people highlighted in red in the image.

Refer to the images to find the locations of the informants and objects.

Mini-game: Taking Pictures

Click on people who look like they’ve had some “work done” when they pop up to take pictures.

Don’t click on security guards or regular looking people.

Take five perfect pictures to complete this mini-game.

Refer to the image for the solution.
