快吧单机 攻略列表 《军团要塞2》FPS脚本优化秘籍


作者: 佚名 2013-07-05 15:23 互联网
对于军团要塞2这款游戏,其本身的环境下优化系统做的并不完善,同配置也能提高FPS数值,本文整理了些资料来教大家如何提高FPS值。 复制脚本代码: echo"* ...



echo "***********************"

echo " TF2 FPS CFG Loaded!! " 

echo "***********************"

// FPS Settings

//Cl_ Commands

cl_cmdrate "101" // Must be set to 100/101

cl_drawmonitors "0" // changeable

cl_ejectbrass "0" // changeable

cl_forcepreload "1" // changeable

cl_interp "0.01" // Must be set to .01

cl_interpolate "1" // Must be set to 1

cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1" // changeable

cl_lagcompensation "1" // changeable

cl_predictweapons "1" // changeable

cl_pred_optimize "2" // changeable

cl_phys_props_max "50" // Must be set to 50+

cl_smooth "1" // changeable

cl_smoothtime "0.01" // changeable

cl_updaterate "101" // Must be set to 100/101

//Mat_ commands

mat_bloomscale "0" // changeable

mat_bumpmap "1" // changeable

mat_clipz "1" // changeable

mat_colorcorrection "0" // changeable

mat_compressedtextures "1" // changeable

//mat_debug // Illegal

mat_debug_postprocessing_effects "0" // Must be set to 0

mat_debugdepthval "128" // Must be set to 128

mat_debugdepthvalmax "256" // Must be set to 256

mat_disable_bloom "1" // changeable

mat_filterlightmaps "1" // changeable

mat_forcehardwaresync "0" // changeable

mat_hdr_enabled "0" // changeable

mat_parallaxmap "0" // changeable

mat_picmip "0" // Must not be higher than 2

mat_reducefillrate "0" // changeable

mat_specular "0" // changeable

mat_vsync "0" // changeable

mat_dxlevel 80

//R_ Commands

r_decals "0" // changeable

r_decal_cullsize "0" // changeable

r_dopixelvisibility "0" // changeable

r_drawbatchdecals "0" // changeable

r_drawflecks "0" // changeable

r_drawmodeldecals "0" // changeable

r_dynamic "0" // changeable

r_eyes "1" // changeable

r_flex "0" // changeable

r_lightaverage "0" // Must be set to 1

r_maxdlights "32" // Must be set to 32

r_occlusion "1" // changeable

r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // changeable

r_shadows "0" // changeable

r_shadowmaxrendered "1" // changeable

r_shadowrendertotexture "1" // changeable

r_teeth "0" // changeable

r_waterforceexpensive "0" // changeable

r_waterdrawreflection "0" // changeable
