快吧单机 攻略列表 《神秘追踪者》图文攻略之返回空大厦


作者: 佚名 2013-05-20 13:24 互联网
第七章-返回空大厦 MainHall大殿 EnterVoidMansion(1),clickontheBookcase(2),clickontheDoor(3),collecttheFigurine(4)andthenclickontheCube(5).进入空 ...


Main Hall大殿

Enter Void Mansion (1), click on the Bookcase (2), click on the Door (3), collect the Figurine (4) and then click on the Cube (5).进入空府(1),点击书柜(2),点击门(3),收集塑像(4),然后点击方块(5)。


This puzzle is similar to a Rubik’s Cube, except you begin with the colors aligned and you move the colored balls rather than rotating the smaller cubes.这类似于魔方了,除了你开始用颜色排列和你移动颜色的球,而不是小立方体旋转。Note the image on the wall, to the right of the Cube.注意图像在墙上,向右的方块。Move the colored balls so that the cube matches the image.把颜色的球使这个立方体火柴的形象。Click on a Ball to move it to the adjoining empty space; you can’t move any ball over another.点击一个球移动到相邻的空白;你不能移动任何球。The best strategy is to begin moving the Green to the top, the Blue to the left and the Red to the front, working back and forth and shifting the colors to open the space for the next color.最佳策略是开始移动绿色上方,蓝色和红色的左侧,工作来回的颜色和开放空间为下一次的颜色。When complete, collect the Fireman’s Badge (2).当完成,收集消防队员的徽章(2)。


Click on the following for a video solution.点击下面的一个视频的解决方案。

Click on Brick Wall (1), collect the Iron Ring (2), click on the Iron Chest (3), use the Ring (4) and then collect the Key Fob (5).点击砖墙(1),收集的铁圈(2),点击铁胸部(3),使用的戒指(4),然后收集钥匙Fob(5)。


Subway Terminal地铁终端

Return to the Subway Terminal (1), click on the Fire Hose Cabinet (2), use the Fireman’s Badge (3) and then click on the open Cabinet.返回到地铁的终端(1),点击灭火水龙带柜(2),使用的消防队员的徽章,(3),然后点击打开橱里。


Find all the objects in the list.找到所有的对象列表。Inventory Item: Fire Extinguisher (green) Multiple Items: 3 Boots (yellow), 5 Fireman’s Helmets (blue).库存物品:灭火器(绿色)多个项目:3靴(黄色),5个消防队员的头盔(蓝色)。



Return to the Mansion, exit to the Front Door (1), use the Key Fob (2), click on the open Car Door, collect the Gas Mask (3) and then click on the 3 Figurines (4).回到大厦,出口到门口(1),使用的关键Fob(2),点击打开车门,集气罩(3),然后点击3雕像,(4)。


Use the Figurine (1), switch the body segments (heads, torsos) so that the figurines are complete (2) and then collect the Key from the Glove Compartment (3).使用这个雕像(1)、开关的身躯部分(头),因此这个雕像上体完整(2),然后收集钥匙从仪表板(3)。Use the name on the base of each figurine to determine which goes where.用这个名字的基础上,确定各塑像,到哪儿去。



Click on the Car Trunk (1), use the Key (2) and the click on the open trunk.点击汽车行李箱(1),使用的关键;(2)和点击打开箱子。


Find all the objects in the list.找到所有的对象列表。Inventory Item: Flamethrower [(green) Multiple Items: 5 Balls (red), 4 Light Bulbs (blue).库存物品:喷火枪[(绿色)多个项目:5球(红色),4个灯泡(蓝色)。



Return to the Mansion (1), continue to the Attic (2), collect the Diary Entry (3), use the Flamethrower (4), use the Fire Extinguisher on the Flames (5) and then click on the Dresser (6).回到大厦(1),继续阁楼,(2),收集日记输入(3),使用喷火枪(4),用灭火器对准火焰(5),然后点击化妆台(6)。


Find all the objects in the list.找到所有的对象列表。Inventory Item: Tweezers (green) Multiple Items: 4 Ships (red), 3 Candies (yellow).库存物品:镊子(绿色)多个项目:4轮船(红色)、三糖(黄色)。



Return to the Main Hall, enter the Bedroom (1), use the Gas Mask (2 – click anywhere), click on the Window Seat (3), click on the Window (4) and then click on the Wardrobe (5).回到正厅、进卧室(1),使用防毒面具(2 -点击任何地方点击靠窗的座位,(3),单击窗口(4),然后点击衣柜(5)。


Find all the objects in the list.找到所有的对象列表。Inventory Item: Book (green) Multiple Items: 2 Bank Notes (red), 2 Fishes (yellow), 2 Fans (blue), 4 Swords (orange).库存物品:本书(绿色)多个项目:2钞票(红色)、二鱼(黄色),2个球迷(蓝色),四剑(橙色)。


Sitting Room客厅

Continue to the Sitting Room (1), use the Fire Extinguisher on the Flames (2), collect the Jack Hammer (3), click on the Fireplace (4), use the Tweezers (5), return to the Attic and then continue to the Balcony.继续客厅(1),用灭火器对准火焰(2),收集了杰克锤(3),点击壁炉(4),用镊子(5),返回的阁楼,然后继续阳台。




Use the Book (1), click on the Book (2) and then use the Ball (3).使用这本书(1),点击书(2),然后用这个球(3)。Using the control pad, move the ball into the hole (4).采用控制面板,把球打入洞(4)。You can use one of two strategies…either start at the end, and work your way back, or start at the beginning and work your way to the end.你可以用两种策略,要么开始…最后,你回来的路上,或是从头开始,你的工作方式。Be careful to pay attention to where you’ll end up, after you move the ball.小心注意的地方,你会把球传给你之后。If your only choices will send you off the board, undo your last move and choose another direction.如果你唯一的选择将会把你送板、撤销你的最后一步,选择另一个方向。Collect the ID Card (5) and Diary Entry (6).收集的身份证(5)和3,3 -二(6)的日记。


Return downstairs, click on the Brick Wall (1), use the Jack Hammer (2), use the ID Card (3), enter Void’s Private Quarters and then use the Gas Mask (4).还在楼下,点击砖墙(1),用千斤顶锤(2),用身份证(3),无效的私人住所,然后使用防毒面具(4)。

