快吧单机 攻略列表 《永远的毁灭公爵》奖杯列表攻略


作者: 赵祥鑫 2013-05-22 16:48 互联网
奖杯共计:1白金2金10银38铜有难度相关奖杯,无线上奖杯.  白金SavioroftheUniverse  Yougotthemall!(获得以下所有奖杯) 铜Extermination  ...


白金 Savior of the Universe 

You got them all!(获得以下所有奖杯)

铜 Extermination 

Kill 50 aliens.(杀死50个外星人) 

铜 Annihilation 

Kill 100 aliens.(杀死100个外星人) 

铜 Nuclear Devastation

Kill 250 aliens.(杀死250个外星人) 

铜 On the Noggin’

Kill 30 aliens with headshots.(爆头30个外星人) 

铜 Hippy-Stomper 20 

Foot stomp 12 aliens.(脚踩12个外星人) 

铜 Judge, Jury, Executioner

Execute 20 aliens.(对20个外星人进行处决) 

铜 Trapper 

Kill 10 aliens with Trip Mines.(使用Trip Mines(地雷) 杀害10个敌人 ) 

铜 Freeze Well! 

Kill 15 frozen aliens.(杀死15个冻结中的敌人) 

铜 Road Rage 

Kill 15 aliens with the monster truck.(利用怪物卡车杀死15敌人) 

铜 Fork the Pork 

Kill 6 aliens with the forklift.(用推高机杀死6个敌人) 

铜 Dead Useful 

Kill 10 aliens with environmental explosives.(使用环保炸药杀10名敌人) 

铜 Tosser… in the Literal Sense 

Kill 10 aliens with tossed objects.(投掷物品杀死10个敌人) 

铜 Duke Angry, Duke Smash! 

Kill 15 aliens with melee attacks while on steroids.(在使用steroids(类固醇)状态下近战 

铜 Noms 

Eat 10 pieces of food during the SP campaign.(在sp战役模式内食用10次食品) 

铜 Natural Disaster 3 

Kill 3 aliens at once.(一次杀死3个敌人) 

铜 Full Body Tourettes 

Get knocked down 10 times.(被击倒10次) 

铜 Turd Burglar 

Find and steal a piece of poo.(偷一块便便) 

铜 I Need a Towel 

Get hit by 10 Pregnator bombs.(受到Pregnator 炸弹攻击10次) 

铜 Baron von Nukem 

Shoot down 20 alien fighters.(击落20架外星人的战机) 

银 Call Waiting 

Listen to all phone messages.(听取所有电话讯息) 

铜 Bucker Head 

Find all 3 helmets in the SP campaign.(在Sp战役内找到3个头盔??) 

银 Party Animal 

Drink all of the beers in the strip club.(在脱衣俱乐部喝过所有的啤酒) 

铜 Pescaphobe 

Kill all of the catfish in the underwater level.(杀光水面下的所有鲶鱼) 

铜 Drawrings 

Doodle something on the whiteboard in SP.(在SP中找到白板涂鸦) 

铜 I Need a Date 

Look at every page of a calendar in SP.(在sp中看每一页日历) 

铜 Stick Bomb Like You! 

Put a Trip Mine on a live alien.(放置一个Trip Mine(地雷)在一个活的外星人上) 

铜 Big Guns, Big Ships 

Blow up 5 enemy Gunships or Dropships.(爆破5个敌人的直升机或运输船) 

银 Air-Duke 

Win air hockey with a score of 7-0 in the strip club.(在脱衣舞俱乐部玩空气曲棍球获得7-0的成绩) 

银 Balls of Steel 

Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score in SP.(在sp玩弹珠台获得1,000,000分) 

铜 Flaggon of Chuckles 

Drink a beer in SP.(在sp喝啤酒 ) 

铜 Juiced 

Take steroids in SP.(在sp服用类固醇) 

铜 He’s Got a Hologram! Use a 

Holoduke in SP.(在sp使用Holoduke) 

铜 Substance Abuser 

Drink while on steroids or vice versa in SP.(在sp把类固醇当饮料喝反之亦然(意思是要狂喝类固醇吗?)) 

银 I Am All That Is Man 

Discover all Ego cap awards.(找到所有的帽子奖励) 

银 Gunslinger 

Carry the gold pistol through the whole SP campaign.(携带黄金手枪在整个sp战役模式内) 

铜 Sunday, Black Sunday 

Shoot down the blimp above the stadium.(在体育场击落上方的飞艇) 

铜 Nobody Likes a Whiner 

Knock out the talent at the talk show.(海k脱口秀的人才) 

铜 Lots of Whacking 

Win a game of Alien Abortion.(赢得一场Alien Abortion的比赛) 

铜 Companion Barrel 

Unlock the secret closet at the end of the Forkstop.(在最后的Forkstop解开密室) 

铜 One-Eyed Freak 

Defeat the Cycloid.(打败独眼巨人) 

铜 Pit Champion 

Defeat the Battlelord in Las Vegas.(在拉斯维加斯打败Battlelord) 

银 Not Bad for a Human 

Defeat the Alien Queen.(打败外星人女王) 

银 A Good Dam Fight

Defeat the Battlelord on the Hoover Dam.(在胡佛水坝打败Battlelord) 

银 Octacide 

Defeat the Octaking.(打败Octaking) 

银 Beating the One-Eyed Worm

Defeat the Leech.(打败Leech) 

铜 Piece of Cake 

Complete the SP campaign on Easy Difficulty.(完成sp战役easy难度) 

银 Let’s Rock 

Complete the SP campaign on Normal Difficulty.(完成sp战役NORMAL难度) 

金 Come Get Some 

Complete the SP campaign on Hard Difficulty.(完成sp战役HARD难度)

金 Damn, I’m Good 

Complete the SP campaign on Insane Difficulty.(完成sp战役INSANE难度)

铜 Special Thanks 

Watch the credits all the way through.(一路过关斩将,并观看最后的工作人员表) 
