首先 关于这条秘籍 extra fnkqrrm 是有用的 只要输入这个 在多人练习模式下按住ALT再购买人物或载具时会有特殊的东西可以买 再第一人称是看不出什么不同的 要换到的三人称才可看出(按F)总体来说就是好玩 没有实际用处 WESTWOOD的游戏向来没有好用的秘籍 比如红警………………
关于ALLGUNS之类的全是假的………………不知害了多少人 下面我给出秘籍 不过没有对游戏进程帮助很大的(比如所有武器……) 命令与征服之变节者(Command & Conquer Renegade)完全作弊码: 游戏中键入~之后
extras fnkqrrm - Enable
extras cheat admin_message (message) -
Send admin message to all clients (host only) message (message)
- Sends chat message to all clients (host only) display fps -
Toggle framerate game_info - View game in progress info in console window gameover
- End current game (host only) kick
- Kick and ban a user from the game (WOL server only)
More multiplayer units: Press F8 and enter extras fnkqrrm. In the Purchase terminal, hold down ALT when you click on Vehicles or Characters to access the extras. Dealing With Mutants:
When you come up against those tiberium mutated monsters, use either a laser-based weapon or the flame thrower - shooting them with tiberium guns like the chem sprayer only heals them.
Better Hum-Vees and Dune Buggies: To augment the destructive ability of any vehicle, try becoming a Technician or Hotwire and rig your ride with proximity mines! Burning Chem-Warriors: NOD Chem-Warriors are highly vulnerable to fire. Flame on! Too bad the GDI can’t get flamethrowers in multiplay... 希望你能满意 这个游戏就不要想秘籍了 游侠也不行 找修改器吧 不过改了就没意思了 单人任务很好玩的
上一篇: 《魔法门之英雄无敌6》兵种据点篇心得
下一篇: 《三国志10》新野之战心得
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