快吧单机 攻略列表 《幽魂旅店3》第十四关攻略英文版


作者: 佚名 2013-06-29 20:39 互联网
《幽魂旅店3:孤独的梦》在一个能够时空穿梭的旅店里发生了很多诡异事件, 一个年轻的FBI侦探和一个时空穿梭而来的老侦探一起进 行探索,最终打败了坏人“格格木”。游戏重点想说明每个人都有孤独的梦想,怀揣着自己的孤独梦想在生活的道路上不断前进就是最好的生活过程

Level 14

Collect the BOTTLE and ROPE, both circled in yellow in the screenshot.

Use the ROD to remove one of the loose bricks on the wall to the right (1).

Click on the lawnmower to zoom in. 

Click the cap to unscrew it.

Place the HOSE into the gas tank of the lawnmower (2).

Set the BOTTLE to get some fuel from the HOSE.

Fill the engine with fuel from the bottle (3).

Attach the COIL OF ROPE to the engine (4).

Add the oil from the OIL LAMP to the engine as well(5).

Connect the HOOK to the ROD from step 1 (6).

Turn on the engine by clicking it.

Turn on the switch on the winch, to the right of the engine, to break the wall (7).

Enter the main corridor and enter the pool.
