

翱翔 2017-04-26 互联网







Blake reunites with Lynn. He wants to know what happened but she refuses to  say. Her only wish is to get away from here. Over the speakers, prophet Knoth  can be heard, saying that he examined Lynn’s womb and concluded she is pregnant.  He announces that the child of Lynn and Blake is the antichrist (devil) and  calls out his followers, the “Christians”, to find Lynn and kill her before the  child is born. (Note: the villagers see themselves as good Christians but  Knoth’s teachings are deluded and advocate murder and blood sacrifice. They use the symbols of Christians but their faith is closer to Satanis m than   Christianity).



Blake and Lynn run into a Christian search party. Then the “heretics” join  them. They are a different cult that opposes the Christians. The heretics kill  the Christians and take Lynn away. Blake is left alone in the dark woods.

Blake escapes the remaining Christians and then there’s another flash of  light. He now has his first vision (or hallucination / daydream). He’s suddenly  back in the catholic school he went to in 4th grade, where his class mate Jessica  committed suicide.


Blake逃出其他基督徒的追杀然后又一阵强光,进入第一段幻觉 他回到了4年级的天主教学校Jessica自杀的地方。

After the vision you meet a lone villager called Ethan who is friendly and  wants to protect you from the crazy people. From him you learn that the woman  whose murder you’re investigating was his daughter, Anna Lee. She was raped by  the prophet Knoth who got her pregnant. Knoth then wanted Ethan to slit Anna’s  belly and kill the child. Ethan made up some stories to give Anna time to run  away. As you learnt during the initial helicopter ride the police report said  she had a lot of mercury in her blood and concluded that she strangled herself  to death. Her murder remains unsolved.

Blake finds shelter in the basement of Ethan’s house. He must then witness  how Marta, a very hostile old hag, murders Ethan with an axe. Blake waits  quietly in the basement and then escapes.

Again Blake must escape some Christian search parties until he reaches the  chapel. In the chapel he encounters a man who had his eyes cut out and is  strapped to a wheel. His name is Josiah. The reason why he is being tortured is  because he didn’t give up the location where the heretics are hiding Lynn.

幻觉过后玩家会遇见一个名叫Ethan的友好并想保护Blake的村民,得知Blake开始想调查的那个孕妇就是Ethan的女儿Anna Lee,Anna Lee被先知Knoth强奸并怀孕后Knoth想把Anna Lee肚子撕开把孩子杀死,但是Ethan拖住了Knoth让Anna跑掉了。在游戏开始的直升机里玩家也得知了孕妇是因为血液水银含量过度并得出了孕妇让自己窒息而死的结论。孕妇的死亡仍然是个迷



Blake hides in the chapel’s confessional box. Now he witnesses Knoth and his  followers torturing Mary in front of Josiah. Mary is Josiah’s yokemate (spouse).  Eventually Josiah gives up the location of Lynn to stop Mary’s pain, but Knoth  kills them both anyway. Blake overheard the conversation and learned that Lynn  is being held by the heretics in the mines. His goal is now to get to the mines  to rescue Lynn.

Blake makes his way through some other hostile areas and has a new vision of  the school, this time not proceeded by the bright light. After the visions he  finds himself on a hilltop. He tries to go over a broken bridge but an insect  swarm comes flying at him and he falls down into the trees below. Now he goes  through these dark woods and encounters Laird (a midget archer) and Nick (a  bigger guy who is the archer’s mount). Laird is sitting on Nick’s shoulders and  fires arrows. Blake escapes, has another school vision. After the school vision  he is suddenly in the camp of Nick and Laird.

Blake藏在教堂的confessional  box(忏悔箱?)里。目睹了Knoth和信徒折磨Josiah的配偶Mary,最终Josiah说出了地点但是Knoth还是把这俩人都杀了。Blake得知了heretics把Lynn藏在了矿井里

玩家接着探索之后Blake又进入幻觉,但是这次并不是被强光袭击进入幻觉的。幻觉过后他发现自己在一个小山头,当他尝试越过断崖的时候被一群虫子袭击掉进灌木丛里。穿过灌木丛遇见了Laird(侏儒弓箭手)和Nick(一个长得大一点的人,Laird的坐骑)Laird坐在Nick肩膀上射箭,Blake逃脱,又进入幻境,幻境结束他发现自己在Nick Laird的营地里。

The bright light that crashes your helicopter and shows up before school  visions is coming from a radio tower / microwa ve relay by the lake. It emits a  strong microwa ve signal that controls people’s minds (this is explained via a  document called “Old Tra veler” found at the lake from one of the scientists).  That’s why everyone has gone mad (except Ethan for some reason, the guy who  protects you). Below is a picture of the full document explaining it:




The brainwashing experiment is part of Murkoff Corporation’s secret program.  They are the same company from the first game that reopened Mount Massive Asylum  under false flag to experiment on humans. In the above document you can see the  scientist referencing a bet he had with “Jenny Roland”. He means Jennifer  Roland, who is known from Outlast 1 to be Murkoff Corp’s Pathologist. This  proves the connection to Murkoff and the MKULTRA mind control program.

洗脑实验是Murkoff公司的一个秘密实验项目,Murkoff公司是逃生一里开巨山精神病院的那个公司。在楼上图里提及了一个科学家与所谓Jenny  Roland的赌注,Jenny Roland就是Jennifer Roland,逃生一里的病理学家。


In the beginning you (Blake) are still somewhat sane. But as you get closer  to the tower and spend more time in the area you lose your mind more and more,  get hallucinations and weird dreams of early childhood because the microwa ve  brainwashing signal gets stronger. Blake blames himself for Jessica’s death  because he didn’t love her, didn’t protect her when she needed him (she was  fooling around with him but Blake liked Lynn. He also left her alone with the  bad teacher who assaulted her, even though she asked him to stay because she was  scared).


The demon that haunts you in the school visions is Father Loutermilch, the  teacher who violently assaulted Jessica. This can be seen by the scar above his  right eye – the demon has the exact same scar. The memory of this event haunts  Blake to this day, that’s why he sees Father Loutermilch as a demon in his  visions (because Loutermilch was the bad guy and ultimately the reason Jessica  committed suicide)


In the end the microwa ve signal has gotten so strong that they all just  murdered each other (brainwashing experiment, possibly gone wrong). The document  speaks of anomalies in the signal strength and mentions that the signal is  particularly strong at certain spots. There’s also a mention of the “feedback  loop” which causes affected people to do crazy things.












