技能和熟练 没看到交涉类技能 像说服威吓欺骗
姓名 头像 声音 9大阵营 20种左右神祗(选择会受阵营影响)和自传
由于pax目前没有完整直播 由展会现场的玩家带回一些情报
-崔斯特目前状况不佳 在第一个资料片里
-只有pc跨平台 主机和pc间不行 主机平台间也不行
-多人下dm暂停加入了 dm可以暂停部署
-dm wisp可以取消
-dm threat可以取消(很怀疑)
1所有宗派被融进能力树 拿游侠来说你不会升级时选择猎人驯兽师守护者一类职业 以上职业改以自由发展这3个能力树 这点我个人喜欢 加上1个施法树(德鲁伊系自然法术)和3种战斗风格树 战斗风格很可能和起源一样职业通用 如盗贼 战士 和游侠都可以发展双持
2法师也有7个树 但缺少幻术 预言 死灵 原因不明 官方只说“死灵系存在游戏内 你要自己去发现” 队友里的法师也证实预言系也存在 然而强迫玩家进入战役后解锁 同时把塑能系分割成火冰电奥4项在dnd很古怪 防护系部分融入其他系 这里的“法师”给人感觉是术士
3冷却机制下的战术 由于这次的长短冷却风格 很多能力必须计算好情况后谨慎使用 只有戏法除外
4有限的法术 虽然有经典的dnd法术 魔法飞弹 法师护甲 加速 石皮 死云 缓慢 强酸箭 比格拜大手 冰锥 连锁闪电 流星爆等等 都根据学派树分类 但里面的1234底部是上面的升级版 其实每个树实际只有5个左右法术
5牧师部分没仔细看 这里7个树应该是1个军用武器 1个牧师本职能力 5个领域
虽然8小时改成被动也无妨 但不让你给别人用:p
Often falling on both sides of the law, many Scoundrels have mastered the art of deception and ?, whether it is for their own personal gain or to Shuffling to shadows and striking without warning, these abilities are usually what rogues are most famous for
Dashing in and out of combat with ease, Thieves are a sight to behold on the battlefield and among the most difficult of enemies to keep track of. Their combat skills are equalled only by their charm and persuasion along with their ability to get into areas and make use of items never meant for them.
Dealers of death, an Assassin's sole goal is to execute their targets as quickly and efficiently as possible. Assassin abilities focus on closing quickly with their prey, and striking with devastating force. Many foes do not even see an assassin's blade until it is too late.
Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. The abilities of an arcane trickster focus on distracting and confusing one's enemies, making them far more susceptible to their powerful melee attacks.
Two-Weapon Fighting, or dual wielding, employs the use of a weapon in each hand. This style of combat allows one to rain blows upon their enemies, riposting and whirling across the battlefield in a dizzying ballet of death.
Whether a grizzled veteran or a squire in training, most professions have some degree of martial training. Those who excel in the use of arms, armor and melee combat are a fearsome force to behold on the battlefield. Martial abilities focus on manipulating the battlefield by weakening one's enemies.
Masters of the bow and arrow or crossbow and bolt, a well-trained archer can often pick off their enemies long before they ever have a chance to reach them. The entire battlefield is an archer's target range, and they can call out targets to their allies, shoot down enemies one at a time, or even rain down arrows on multiple targets.
上一篇: 《剑湾传奇》按键操作方法一览
下一篇: 《剑湾传奇》破解版联机说明
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