快吧单机 新闻列表 关于《去月球》第二部《A Bird Story》的消息

关于《去月球》第二部《A Bird Story》的消息

作者: 一瞬间 2014-10-16 13:34 互联网
Freebird Games(自由鸟游戏)在3月6号发布了《去月球2》的消息,虽然他们声称在3月7日会开放相关网站,但是直到3月22日他们才公布了这一系列第二部《A Bird Story》(鸟之诗?鸟物语?一鸟事?

Freebird Games(自由鸟游戏)在3月6号发布了《去月球2》的消息,虽然他们声称在3月7日会开放相关网站,但是直到3月22日他们才公布了这一系列第二部《A Bird Story》(鸟之诗?鸟物语?一鸟事?噗)的消息。之后一直到4月30日才在脸书上面公布这一作品的背景音乐。


Heya everyone! I'll be at GDC next week, but thought I'd drop by the message that the [To the Moon music boxes] will finally be available for order next month (w/ thanks to Danielle for helping making it possible)! (《去月球》音乐盒子可以购买了)

There're only about 100 upfront, but we could get more if we needed them (with some delay). (ms是在说经费的事,要攒多一点时间就要长)

It'd be awesome if those with Twitter accounts could to tweet a thanks to her (@danielleorama). c: And also, drop by supportive comment for Joakim on his awesome A Bird Story poster, if you've a DeviantArt acc! (推特的东西,可以忽视)

Cheers all, hope you have a great weekend~(快乐哟~)


Yikes, I'd better make A Bird Story faster... Tincho already arranged a rock cover of its title theme and it's not even out yet! (自己催自己)

He made fantastic covers for For River and Everything's Alright as well; you can find them in his channel. c: (Tincho的音乐)

(Original title music / screen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ffGWdm0Ntk )(←这是油土鳖链接,吉他曲哟)

目前还没有具体的发行日期,但是相信在不久的将来会有的。也希望大家可以的话破费一下捐一些钱,毕竟Kan Gao是咱自己人,听口音不像是在美国出生的),多支持一下这样有才华的独立游戏开发者

上图 封面都出来了

关于《去月球》第二部《A Bird Story》的消息
